PKF Report: How The Harbour Club Helped 34 People Generate 78 Million of Wealth in 2020 

Download the report showing an audit by PKF, a top 15 global audit firm on how The Harbour Club helped 34 people generate 78 million of wealth in 2020.


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 About The Harbour Club

The Harbour Club is the largest international community of merger and acquisition professionals. It consists of training, support and community where you can learn how to buy and sell businesses for a living using no capital upfront and without any debt. 


About PKF International

Formed in 1969 from just four firms - Australia, Canada, UK and US - the network now comprises member firms with over 400 offices in 119 countries, and with 14,500 partners and staff. The member firms in our network have overall annual turnover (including correspondent firms) around US$1.4 billion.